$ ``It's \hspace{2mm} all \hspace{2mm} about \hspace{2mm} the \hspace{2mm} mathematics \hspace{2mm} behind." $
Hi, I'm Pranav :D. Here you can find my projects, and the code related to them. During my initial coding years, I learned backend, competitive coding and some mathematics, and now I have diverted more towards Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Deeper Mathematics. The list below would show various my projects/assignments/stuff.

With MathJax, I am starting to migrate my diary contents to a series of blog posts, The Mathematics Behind. I try to figure out what leads to the derived equations that I study mostly in deep learning, but I do include areas from statistics, and physics(during my school years). So check that out here.


Backend and Algorithms

  1. Apache Allura (Open Source)
  2. Coursearcher
  3. Deduplicating File System (A big One :D)
  4. Fast_Grep - Sliding window with KMP Algo
  5. check out more..

Machine Learning

  1. TensorBoard - Our Batman for DNNs
  2. Modelling Adversarial Communication using DNNs
  3. check out more..

Papers I Read

  1. Tensorflow White Paper
  2. Glove Word vectors
  3. check out more..

Courses and Assignments and Self implemented Python Algorithms

  1. Udacity Deep Learning, By Google
  2. Game theory, Stanford
  3. ANN by Hinton, Coursera
  4. Exploratory Data Analysis (Coursera)